According to oral tradition, the current inhabitants of Akyem Manso migrated from Adansi in the Ashanti Region in 1426. They were led by a hunter named Asante. Upon their discovery of an enclave, they named the land after Asante hence, Asanteman and settled there. The Fetish Priest amongst the people discovered the Big Tree in the forest close to their settlement and deemed it sacred. In 1731, there was a dispute caused by an external force from the Ashanti Region causing the people to migrate to today’s Akyem Manso. The migration did not hinder the people of Manso from having contact with the tree because of its spiritual significance.

With time, tales of the mystical tree was all over. People were thrilled and intrigued by the stories they heard about the tree while others tried to get rid of it. Several attempts to uproot the tree proved futile and resulted in fatal casualties. In 1930 a farmer attempted to burn the tree by setting fire around it. He died shortly after his attempt to get rid of the tree.

Also in 1966, chain saw operator by the name Antieh is said to have successfully cut down the tree. The tree was mysteriously reinstated to its original position three days after. The chainsaw operator died shortly after the mysterious event.

After all these enigmatic events, the tree is now an ancestral home for the people of Akyem Asanteman and Manso. The tree is a holy site where natives of Akyem Manso pay homage to their ancestors and the spirit of the tree during their annual festival. The Big Tree is a spectacular tourist attraction in Ghana.

The Big Tree

The big tree is one of Ghana’s prominent tourist attraction. The tree is locally known as Bako and botanically called Tieghemella Heckelii. The Big Tree is located in the Asene Manso Akroso District specifically in the Essen Epam Forest. The name of the forest was derived from two rivers in the forest, Essen and Epam hence the name Essen Epam Forest Reserve.

With a diameter of 3.22 meters and a girth of 10.11m, the tree is the biggest in West Africa. It stands at a height of 66.14m and has a diameter of 3.22m. The tree has a unique feature, unlike other tropical trees that have large buttresses, several branches and a tapering girth from bottom to the top the Big Tree has a uniform girth from bottom to the top. The tree is cylindrical in shape with a thick grey back and longitudinally ridged with slash bright green leaves adding to its uniqueness.

Benefits Of The Big Tree

  • The fruits of the big tree are said to heal stomach upsets.
  • The fruits can also be grinded and sniffed to cure headache and stop excessive snoring.
  • The bark of the tree also has fertility benefits.

Source: di.Stock